Triage Tactics: When and How to Prioritise Tasks in Your RuralBusiness

It’s fantastic to plan the week ahead, but we all know that when there are kids, animals, or husbands involved, it can go haywire rather quickly. Whether it’s a parts run, unexpected gastro making its way through the family unit, or Home Paddock’s bore needs pulling on a hot summer’s day, you need to be able to triage what’s genuinely important and what can wait. This isn’t just limited to your business – if you’ve got a home management system like I do, this can be applied there too!

Understanding Triage: Triage, a term commonly used in emergencies to prioritize tasks, can be just as crucial in the daily hustle of managing your business and home life.

Here’s my take on where to start triaging inside your business.

1. Look after your clients first - these guys are your bread and butter!

What must be done to not cause any damage to your business? If you are utilizing a client board, you’ll have all of your client-specific tasks and workflows telling you exactly where you are in serving them. Can you outsource anything to your team? Consider systematizing and standardizing your client workflows to ensure a seamless experience every time.

2. Fix what isn’t working.

Recently I found this out the hard way during my rebrand. There was so much to action - so I took a shortcut that ended up making my proposal process go wrong. Long story short, I had to go back to 3 potential clients and explain I’d quoted them incorrectly. Not a great look and one I’m not in a rush to repeat. For those who are just as nosy as me - ⅔ ladies still signed with me, but the extra work that created wasn’t what I needed during a busy time.

3. Know what you are putting off.

On my Daily Weekly Monthly Trello board (available inside the FREE Productivity Challenge), I walk you through setting this up. Knowing what you were supposed to be doing this week and scheduling it in means when your day doesn’t go according to plan - you at least have an accurate idea of what didn’t get completed. Systematizing your task management ensures you never lose sight of essential tasks.

4. If you reschedule a project more than 3 times, consider moving it off your schedule for the interim or breaking it into more manageable size stepping stones.

This is where systematizing and standardizing your project management can be a game-changer. Establish clear processes for project scheduling and progress tracking to avoid unnecessary delays and ensure smooth operations.

Sign up for my FREE Productivity Challenge if you need more productivity momentum inside your business. Dedicate just 10 minutes a day, and you’ll start seeing results in systematizing and standardizing your business processes.


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