Mastering Your Tech: Are You Getting the Most Out of Your Platforms?

In the world of jugging business, children and responsibilities on the farm, time is of the essence; and leveraging technology to its fullest potential is not just an option—it's a necessity.

During my chats with clients (virtually, of course), I've noticed a common theme—tech's vast potential often remains untapped. And who can blame anyone? We're all here to rock our zones of genius, and sometimes, tech isn't part of that rockstar equation. But hey, fear not! I'm here to spill the beans on some tech secrets. Ready? Let's dive in!

Calendly: Your Sidekick in Simplifying Schedules

So, you've got Calendly in your toolkit—fantastic choice! But let's not stop at mere scheduling. Have you ever thought about those booking form questions? No? Well, my friend, here's the deal. Instead of bombarding clients with onboarding questions after they've clicked that "book" button, why not integrate them into the booking form? For the free plan warriors, use that redirect page on your website to sprinkle in some extra details when you cannot customise confirmation workflows. And here's a pro OBM tip: a one-step Zapier setup might not do the trick if you have multiple booking types. It just won’t differentiate between the events you have.

Kajabi (or Other Membership Sites): Simplicity Equals Power

Now, for my Kajabi enthusiasts (and fans of other membership sites), let's appreciate the simplicity these platforms offer. Sure, they might not have the flashiest automations or the prettiest forms, but guess what? They work! Resist the urge to Frankenstein your systems together; instead, embrace the simplicity these platforms bring. They might surprise you with their effectiveness. Don’t know the in’s and out’s of what your platform can do for you? Give me a hoy - I’ll point you in the right direction.

Website and Email Marketing Platform: It's a Love Story in the Making

Integrating your website with your email marketing platform can feel like a puzzle. But guess what? Don't toss that puzzle out the window just yet. Your chosen platform may not seamlessly sync with another, but that's no reason to bid it farewell. Most email marketing platforms play nice with embedded forms, snagging email addresses like a pro. And if you're feeling fancy, throw in some website 'forms' via Zapier. No need to reinvent the wheel by investing in a completely new system because it promises native integration —that kickstarts a whole new project. Disclaimer - this should be considered on a case-by-case basis - there are some situations where I am all for a platform change.

Let's Uncover Your Tech Potential

So, let's cut to the chase: Is your tech game strong, or are you playing hide and seek with its potential? If it's the latter, fear not! I'm here to unravel the mysteries of your tech landscape. Book yourself a discovery call with me and let's make your tech work for you. After all, it's your business, your rules. Tech should be your trusty sidekick, not a headache. Let's make it happen together!


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