Dubsado Strategy Session

Are you wanting to utilise Dubsado to the best of your ability but just don’t know where to start?

You had the best intentions when you opened your account but understanding which trigger will best suit your needs is doing your head in. But this service isn’t just for beginners to Dubsado - it’s also for:

✨ Those who are keen to DIY but the practical implementation is proving a little more challenging than anticipated (workflows are tough to the uninitiated!)

✨ Long-time Dubsado users who are only utilising the bare minimum of features and want to use them ALL.

✨Those who are constantly questioning where they can do things better with both their client journey and processes - this encompasses comms, client experience, use of systems…the whole she-bang!

Introducing the Strategy Session, a flexible 90-minute Zoom Call where we can tackle as much of your workflows as possible!

If you’ve been wishing you could brain-dump your entire client journey and walk away with a plug-and-play map of how to implement it inside Dubsado, then this package is for you.

A fraction of the price of a completely outsourced, done-for-you Dubsado build, this is a budget-friendly alternative.

You want the Dubsado Strategy Session!

When you book a call...you’ll leave with:

  • One 1:1 strategy session with me, up to 90 minutes long, where we map your workflows and answer your burning Dubsado questions

  • A complete plug & play map of all the Dubsado workflows we discussed, delivered in my signature Workflow Builder

  • Implementation Guide to help you through all the stages of actually doing your set up yourself

  • Video recording of call so that you can reference it if you ever need a refresher

  • Confidence to move forward with the tools you need to create your dream client experience, all while spending LESS time at your computer

How does it work?

  • After we sign on the dotted line, I’ll ask you to complete an Onboarding questionnaire - here I need you to get serious about mapping out as much about your processes, packages, and business as possible. This must be done before the next step! Don’t worry - these questions will lead you where you need to go!

  • During this call, I’ll walk you through how I’ve translated your processes into Dubsado’s language. We will go through them in detail to ensure the process is spot on. This process gives us a list of all the assets needed to successfully build your DREAM client experience.

  • I deliver your plug-and-play map which will successfully build your Dubsado into the well-oiled machine you desire it to be.

  • You get busy following the steps I’ve provided - I’ve mapped out where you should start PLUS educational support on the ‘how to’ side of things.

  • The thought of going it completely alone isn’t your favourite, so you opted in for a 30-min follow up. We tackle any workflow issues you’ve experienced or need amended, design queries or “what the” moments.

  • The Strategy Session is $497 with the option to add ongoing support.

What if I decide I’d rather not implement it all by myself?

If you decide you’d rather outsource the entire build, rather than DIY (even with your plug-and-play map the Strategy Session yields), simply let me know. I’ll discount the amount you’ve already invested and we can move straight into a Total Touch Dubsado build.