Take command of your time and be the Productivity Queen you were destined to be!

Are you a work-from-home mum, a parent juggling work and school holidays, or a business owner struggling with time management and productivity?

I’m not your wingwoman for nothing, my friend! It's time to take charge and arm yourself with the key tools of productivity! Whether you go all in or use these resources to take one step closer to implementing change, I know you’ll walk away feeling more confident than before.

Originally a jam-packed 3-day "Productivity Challenge", I wanted to ensure you could still uncover a whole new level of efficiency - but with a little more time up your sleeve! Upon sign-up, I’ll be giving you access to the entire challenge content, with regular checkin’s from me over a two-week period. You can dedicate a whole kid-free day to becoming your best productive self…or pace yourself with 10-minute intervals each day. Set the intention - and stick to it.

I give you the tools you need when you have kids underfoot (or the cafes are too crowded to consider them an alternative to working from home on town days!).

Here's what we cover:

Inbox Zero - Taming the Email Beast

Learn valuable techniques to manage your inbox like a pro! From achieving inbox zero to creating effective folder hierarchies, I’ll dive into some tips, tricks, and even integrations to help you declutter, automate, and save precious time. Join the group chat and share which action you think will have the biggest impact on your email management.

Rethink Your To-Do's

Discover the secret to conquering your to-do list overwhelm! We'll help you identify your recurring tasks, categorize them by frequency, and plan them into your schedule effectively. With my strategies, you'll find a balance between work and home management tasks. Get your paper ready, braindump your to-do's, and unlock the power of scheduling with purpose.

Unleash Your Inner Productivity Pro

Explore the world of systems and processes! By analyzing your recurring tasks and identifying steps for improvement, you'll uncover opportunities for automation, streamlining, and enhancing your business (and home!) operations. I’ll guide you through the process and provide a few insights into outsourcing without the overwhelm. Let's optimize your workflows together!

Ready to level up your productivity?

Sign up now and take command of your time like a born-to-be productivity queen! By joining, you'll gain access to exclusive challenge content and resources to conquer your productivity hurdles and save valuable time. Say goodbye to chaos and hello to a more organized and fulfilling life!

Take charge of your time and productivity. Sign up and receive instant access!

Over the coming two weeks, I’ll be delivering the goods directly to your inbox to prompt you to take action.

Remember that email is a tricky beast - add me to your contacts or check your junk/spam folders if it doesn’t hit your inbox ASAP.