Why Automation Shouldn’t Be A Dirty Word.

Are you afraid of automation? You're not alone! Many people are hesitant to embrace automation, and I think this stems from the newness of virtual automation in general. But rather than admit that we aren’t sure we like where virtual automation is taking us, we like to pick reasons that vary from feeling like we're losing control over our business, that it takes away the personal connections we make, or that we simply don't have time to make any of the changes or learn the software that can assist us in implementing automation.

But here's the thing: automation can be a powerful tool for your business, and it doesn't have to be scary. In fact, if you approach automation with the right mindset, it can be a game-changer. Here is my #1 OBM tips on how to be purposeful when automating.

Make it all about your customers - current, past and potential. Don't go into automating with a mindset that it's only for your benefit. Ask yourself questions that will help you improve how you serve your customers or how to improve their experience. How can you make it easier for them to do business with you? How can you save them time and effort? How can you make their experience with your business more seamless and enjoyable?

If you're not sure where to start with automating, here are three things that I suggest you automate: social media auto-responses, booking appointments, and sign-up emails.

Social media auto-responses are a great way to ensure that your customers get a timely response, even if you're not available to answer their message right away. This can help you stay connected with your customers, even when you're not physically present.

Booking appointments is another area where automation can be incredibly helpful. By automating your appointment scheduling, you can free up time that would otherwise be spent going back and forth with clients to find a mutually agreeable time. Plus, you can set up reminders to help ensure that clients don't forget about their appointment.

Finally, automating your sign-up emails can be a great way to nurture your leads and move them along your customer pipeline. By providing them with valuable information and helpful tips, you can build a relationship with them and help ensure that they're ready to do business with you when the time comes.

My reasons for suggesting these things are that it makes getting in contact with you the easiest part of your customer's experience and gives them immediate responses to help nurture them as they progress along the customer pipeline. And an extra bonus is that it saves you time and gives you peace of mind that everyone is getting the right information for where they are in their client experience with you.

So, if you're feeling overwhelmed by the prospect of automating your business, take a deep breath and remember that automation can be a powerful tool. By approaching it with the right mindset and automating purposefully, you can improve your customer's experience, save yourself time, and take your business to the next level.

And if you're not sure where to start, why not book a "declutter your brain" session with me? I'd love to help you uncover automations that can help minimize your time "in" your business and maximize your time "on" your business. Let's make automation a tool that works for you (not the thing that has you skirting around the topic like a kid avoiding mum at bath time).


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