Prepping for Your Upcoming Dubsado Build: A Step-by-Step Guide to Outsourcing Success

You've heard about the magic of Dubsado and decided to take the plunge by outsourcing your Dubsado build. I love that for you and I want to give you a leg up by outlining some steps to ensure a smooth and successful fully outsourced Dubsado build. So, grab a cup of your favorite brew, and let's dive in!

Set Clear Goals and Objectives

Before diving into the world of Dubsado, take a moment to define your goals and objectives. Ask yourself, "What do I want to achieve with Dubsado?" Whether it's automating your workflow, improving client communication, or organizing your business, clarity in your goals will help your outsourcing partner (hopefully me!) understand your needs and what needs the highest prioritisation.

Evaluate Your Current Workflow

Have you ever watched a cooking show where the chefs clean as they go? Well, think of this step as decluttering your business kitchen. Take a closer look at your current processes and workflows. What's working well, and what's causing you headaches? Identifying the pain points is the first step in finding solutions (and don’t stress - your systems strategist will have plenty of insight when you bring them up).

Document Your Client Journey

Next up, start mapping out your client journey. This is like your business's roadmap, showing all the stops and interactions along the way. From the first point of contact to the final farewell, document each stage meticulously. One of the things I like to ask myself is how I can start systematizing and standardizing so I can use the same process across multiple services whilst still making my client feel like the star of the show.

Define Your Branding and Customization Preferences

Dubsado is all about customization. It's like having a virtual chameleon for your brand. Share your branding preferences, including your logo, color schemes, and fonts, with your outsourcing partner. This ensures that your Dubsado setup matches your brand's personality…so if you are planning a rebrand, it might pay to get that done and dusted before your Dubsado build!

Gather and Organise Content

Content is king, and Dubsado allows you to create templates for contracts, questionnaires, and emails. Gather all the content you'll need. Keep it organized and accessible. This will save you time and make your Dubsado setup smoother.

Set Up Payment Processing

One of the cool features of Dubsado is its integration with payment processors. Make sure you've got your payment setup ready. I use Stripe, but there are other alternatives. It'll ensure smooth financial transactions within Dubsado and even more automation capabilities.

Gather Testimonials and Reviews

Don't forget the social proof! Client testimonials and reviews are like gold for your business. Start gathering them and think about how you want to showcase them within Dubsado. I pop mine in my proposals PLUS I also use an external form builder for collecting feedback/testimonials for

Timeline considerations

Once you sign up for a done-for-you build or even a Strategy Session, you’ll be asked to book a Strategy call (at least, this is how my process goes!). Before this session, you’ll be asked for quite a bit of information that will help you get SO MUCH out of your Strategy Session. Much of what I ask for I’ve mentioned above…so give yourself time to go through each step before committing to outsourcing.

Testing and Feedback

During the offboard period, I provide a period of Hiccup Help and I know other Systems Strategists do also. Put aside several hours a week to take advantage of this period - get your testing done, and ensure it’s all working the way you want. Otherwise, you’ll have wasted that opportunity to have amendments made.

Training and Transition

Even if you fully outsource your build, you MUST learn how to use your new system, and make time to transition away from your old system, if you had one. I recommend a training schedule, which I highly encourage you to set aside several hours per week to complete it. It goes hand in hand with the testing and feedback topic above.

Even if your CRM of choice isn’t Dubsado, these are all actions you can take to streamline your business. Whether you are just starting on Trello or outgrowing your current platform, understanding your needs will help you identify where you need support.


Cooking Up Consistency: A Recipe for Systematizing and Standardizing Your Client Journey


How Dubsado Can Save You Time, Streamline Customer Experience, and Simplify Your Administration