No idea where your projects are at?

Don’t worry, I’m here to help.

Does this sound like you?

Tired of spending hours learning a platform, hoping it’ll save you time?

Wish you knew what you should be outsourcing…and how?

If this sounds familiar, then you are in the right place, my friend!

Your business has blown up around you, but your systems and automation are in need of a serious glow-up. You feel like you’re constantly chasing your tail, but don’t know where to start with implementing structure and processes.

I’ve got your back.

If the idea of workflows and processes makes your eyes water - don’t worry because it makes my heart sing!

Think of me as your business’s wing woman

I’m not going to let you go it alone.

With me as your Systems Strategist + Online Business Manager (OBM), you’ve got experience, efficiency and support rolled into one package.

Imagine if late-night emails were a thing of the past.

Imagine if you could have one central location for all of your files, resources and project information.

Imagine if you could switch off at night and know that you’ve got tech working for your business seamlessly.

Let’s look at what your business life could look like:

From this…

Thoughts of implementing tech fill you with horror (or helplessness - is there even an app for that?)

Outsourcing seems like more work than just doing it yourself.

Administrative tasks have started to take up your nights - you’ve got no idea where you are with projects!

To this…

Confidence that what you’ve chosen to automate is nurturing your customers and saving you both time.

Relief that team members know exactly what their tasks are and how to carry them out correctly.

The certainty that your processes are reflecting where each task & project is within your business.

Hello, I’m Meredith

A total queen of all things business management aka an OBM. I help businesses increase their efficiencies and get out of the weeds - back to doing the things they love!

One of the hardest things about implementing change is recognising where it needs to happen. From inside your business bubble, it can be hard to spot. A fresh set of eyes can pinpoint where you aren’t getting results and why.

If you’ve been stuck feeling like you can’t get it together, reach out and I’ll give you a leg up.

What can I do for your business?

I don’t want to brag but… lots!

Focusing on guiding frazzled and overwhelmed business owners to implement systems, utilise automation, and outsource to suit them and their business gives me all the feels.

Here are my favourite ways to work with you.

  • In this one-hour session, we go through what is working and what needs a tune-up in your business!

    I suggest actions and workarounds to systemise, automate, and outsource within your business and you walk away with comprehensive recommendations and the confidence to begin implementation!

  • It’s likely been on your to-do list for a while. You know it’ll make a huge impact once it’s completed - but how will you find the time/knowledge/platform to make it happen?

    Skip that awkward inner struggle and let me roll up my sleeves and get it done.

    Email marketing platform set up? Done.

    Appointment schedulers, onboarding forms, Digital Workspace Filing Systems, Social media templates, and automated responses. This is just a teaser - each package is chocked with deliverables you’ll use daily.

  • You might have regular tasks that you’d rather outsource or projects you’d like to have my ongoing input and assistance with.

    Starting from $75 per hour and a minimum of 5 hours each month, these are considered on a case-by-case basis.

How it would work

Book a free discovery call, introduce yourself, and your business to make sure we are a good fit!

We will discuss which services will best serve your business and I send you an email with my proposal and contract.

Once we decide we are a perfect match, we sign the documents and pay the first invoice. I’ll need some information (in the form of a project questionnaire) then I roll up my sleeves to get busy!

Kind Words

Sarah Milner, Peak View Farm

I asked Meredith to help map out a routine for my everyday tasks such as social media scheduling and planning, daily task lists etc.  She introduced me to Trello as a way of doing this and it was a total game changer!

Tammy Gamble, Virtual Business Management

Meredith is professional, reliable, articulate, and very detailed focused. She is committed to delivering on her promises and communicates effectively every step of the way. Working with Meredith is a pleasure, and I can’t recommend her highly enough.

Do you feel like a hot mess inside your business?

Stop feeling like a hot mess. Like you can’t get it together. Inside this free guide is the structure I use to take business owners from stressed chaos to confidently managing their systems and processes and outsourcing with ease.

If you are ready to be an Organised Queen- this is for you.